Candidate for WA State House in LD19 Says 2016 Election Offers Opportunity to Focus on Importance of Gun Rights
The Gun Owners Action League of Washington (GOAL of WA) has endorsed Jim Walsh, Candidate for the Washington State House (LD19, Position 1).
GOAL of WA contributes to causes, issues and individual candidates supporting an individual’s right to bear arms, as protected under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution.
According to GOAL of WA’s letter:
Our endorsement list will be published in the Washington Arms Collectors’ magazine, GUN NEWS, as a recommendation to WAC members, and will reach of twenty thousand gun-owning households in the state.
Accepting the endorsement, Jim Walsh said:
I’m honored to receive GOAL of WA’s endorsement of my campaign—which is about bringing back common sense and self-governance to Washington public policy. The popular media has generated an incredible amount of misinformation, especially in the wake of the recent shootings in Orlando, FL, about gun ownership in this county. The right to bear arms isn’t just about sports or hunting. It’s about living as a self-governing citizen. And about preventing tyrants from seizing our republic.
Walsh points out that Washington’s state constitution is even more explicit on this point than the U.S. Constitution.
“Lots of candidates for elected office in this area talk about protecting gun rights. A few actually do it,” Walsh says. “I hope that GOAL of WA’s endorsement shows which one I am.”
For more information on Jim Walsh and his campaign for the Washington State House, see his website (www.electjimwalsh.org) or his campaign Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/Jim-Walsh-943288459098642/).