In the 19th Legislative District(Southwest Washington), James Walsh had a good showing coming out of a very divided primary for Position 1 in the state legislature. This is one of the last rural districts still controlled by the Democratic Party in Washington State, and while a Republican hasn’t held a state office here since long before World War II, the winds of change seem to be blowing.
At this point, it isn’t clear which Democrat he will be facing in November – incumbent and Legislative AideDemocrat JD Rossetti, and local Democrat activist Teresa Purcell. Walsh bounced another Republican in the primary on Tuesday. Despite the opportunity for picking up a seat in this legislative district, the Republican establishment has appeared lethargic and hesitant to move aggressively.
The Democrats, while divided and struggling to remain relevant in this district have benefited from historical inertia and the fact that the other legislative seat is held by Democrat Brian Blake, probably the most conservative Democrat legislator left in the state.